Friday, March 25, 2011

What is the best tool use in expert judgment?

For this exercise, I guess I would be more interested and fascinated to finish for this would be the last activity to fulfill this year. Woooh! Go back to the main concern about; we have to identify the best tool/s use in implementing an expert judgment. Along with our discussions and lessons in Project Management, expert judgment always been mentioned and talk about from the very beginning up to the end as we refer in Project Management Book of Knowledge 3rd Edition. To understand more about expert judgment, we have to define and take a deeply understanding on it. In connection with this, I had read some article in the internet, which would be the basis of my gathered information. Project managers can use the special skills or knowledge of experts when activity duration estimating. This is known as the expert judgment process. To understand more, expert judgment is a term that refers a specifically to a technique in which judgment is made based upon a specific set of criteria. This would refer not only to those individuals who have the expertise within the team, but it may also involve to those external group or person with a specific relevant skill set or knowledge for the consultation. Thus, it would be any person with specialize knowledge in any field that can provide such expertise. In fact, an article stated some examples of resources of expert knowledge can be stakeholders, customers, professional and technical organizations, and other industry groups that may provide these types f services for a small fee, or may provider them free of charge. For instance, as a project teams who works for an internet game, surely those individuals involve in the group are good and well proficient in their skills. But as part of the maintaining the functionality of the game, it needs expert judgment that would add and criticize the features of the said project. That person is free to give advices on evaluating and appraising. These people can provide ideas and the probability of occurrence based on experience.

The basic idea is rely on the specialists or subject matter experts either individual or groups who have proper knowledge and experience in the assessing areas of the project charter and collect their inputs. In implementing such project it is important to set the standard for the good quality and result of the project. As a project manager, they can provide and use the specialized skills and knowledge of having an expert judgment. Based on the online internet article, Iman Budi Setiawan as the writer provides the following that would be the best tools or techniques to obtain an expert judgment:

Interviews. A meeting during somebody to ask questions. Interviews can be one-to-one one-to-many or any group of person to take this. It is conducted by asking series of question connected to the main concern of knowing something from that particular question. The interviewer can ask question in many times or he/she can be able to visit again and conduct an interview when times needed. In that way, the expert can provide his suggestion and advices for the advantages of the project that is being work. It will increase your knowledge of the project or a particular project activity. Interviews are best used when knowledgeable, experienced people are available at an affordable cost and specific information is needed.

Brainstorming. To think quickly and creativity. Brainstorming is to generate creative ideas spontaneously usually for problem solving and especially in an intensive group discussion that does not allow time for reflection. Brainstorming works by getting a group to focus on a problem and then coming up with as many solutions as possible. Once the session has resulted in a number of solutions, the results can be analyzed. This would help the project team to solve and deal with problem and find ways as a successful result. Brainstorming is best used when input from multiple experts is needed or when experienced people aren't available.

Historical data. Relating to or involving a study of history or somewhat relating to past. Historical data uses the knowledge gained on a similar past project activity to obtain duration estimates for each activity associated with a current project. This would be the basis of the project team to find more effective ways on the difficulties they might encounter. Historical data is best used when records are accurate and both projects are similar.

Since we are able to know and be aware of the definition of expert judgment, now we will learn on the origin and the basis where this sprung. In fact, an online website indicated that there are four sources of expert judgment available to help you on project.

Other units or departments within the performing organization. Ideally, this is a good way to obtain expert judgment. This will not provide cost. For example you want to know how long to take the construct of automobile, you only need to ask someone working on the assembly line.

Consultants. This would be sound expensive, in which the project team needs to hire someone from outside the company to serve as the expert of the project.

Professional and technical associations. This can provide expert judgment when the information needed is very detailed or technical. Very detailed information and data needed from the consultation from any concern association.

Industry groups. The industry group can offer general information.

Indeed, I would say expert judgment brings many advantages in using this technique for many reasons and one of this is for estimating activity duration. This would allow different perspective or any evaluation of any situation especially from one person point of view. Also, it makes valuable use of prior knowledge and experience based on the expert. That will helps you to find creative solutions on any problems. However, expert judgment also has disadvantages. It would be better to be careful when using this technique because it can be time consuming and can be costly if you have to go outside your company to hire experts. Thus, expert judgment is an effective and very vital tool for estimating activity duration when it is being used wisely. The project team will be less rebuilds the range.


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